Frequently Asked Questions

What is Readle?

Readle is an innovative online platform that offers engaging reading material and challenging multiple-choice questions every day. Leveraging the capabilities of artificial intelligence, it delivers a diverse and ever-refreshing approach to enhancing your English skills.

Is Readle free to use?

Yes, Readle is completely free. It's my commitment to offer this educational resource without any charges, supported by voluntary donations.

How often is content updated?

Readle introduces fresh reading exercises daily, updating at 00:00 UTC.

Do I need an account to access Readle?

No account creation or login is required. Readle provides a hassle-free experience, storing your interactions securely within your browser.

How is my privacy maintained on Readle?

We prioritize your privacy and do not collect or store personal data. Our in-house analytics are based on aggregated, anonymous data. For a detailed view, refer to our Privacy Policy.

How are Readle's reading exercises created?

All exercises are generated using advanced AI algorithms, ensuring a diverse range of high-quality texts and questions.

How can I support Readle?

You can support Readle's mission by donating through Buy Me A Coffee or Trakteer. Every contribution ensures the platform remains accessible to all.

I encountered an issue. How can I report it?

Should you experience any issues or have feedback to share, please visit our feedback link. I'm committed to promptly addressing any concerns.

Can I install Readle on my device?

Certainly! Readle is designed as a Progressive Web App (PWA). This allows you to install it on your device, providing an app-like experience even without an internet connection.

Are there future plans for Readle?

While the core values of Readle will always stay the same, there's a slew of exhilarating developments on the horizon. Stay tuned for updates and exciting new features!